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valve testing 2010-10-26
hi i am setting up a maintenace regime for a HRSG can anybody assist by telling me the time between stripdowns required
Synchronizing multiple air cylinders 2010-10-26
I'm tasked with designing a lift system for a frame that goes around the outside of a 12" x 18" rectangular structure.
F51 DUPLEX + STELLITE or 17-4 PH STEEL 2010-10-26
I have to produce a data sheet for a globe valve in high chloride environment, i want to know if is better a disc in dup
Control Valve-Supersonic Flow-Propylene Gas 2010-10-26
Just starting to look at a project involving a requirement for a number of control valves for propylene gas,inlet pressu
Looking For Miniature High Pressure Relief Valve 2010-10-26
I am trying to locate a high pressure relief valve that can withstand up to 1500-2000psi before breaking. It needs to be
HIP'ing of High Presssure Valve Bodies 2010-10-26
Has anyone heard of High Pressure Isostatic Pressing being used a method of manufacturing valve bodies especially in dup
Description clarification on Ball Valves Primary/Secondary seal?? 2010-10-26
I am new to Eng-tips and also new to the Valve world...Could anyone help me out?? I got a description for the seating of
leakage in metal seated ball valve 2010-10-25
We are having really very tough time while producing small metal seated ball valves in the range of 3/4" class 150(Float