lift check valve
lift Check Valve
Movements of Check Valve and bottom valve, it can keep the pump suction
water column (2) by, This valve is characteristic of structure
improvement in the disc and body adding YiHuan closed between stents
vice Valves are shown in figure 2.
Body and adding a cushion between net, to supplement disc height of
rose, Slow piston and cylinder cushion USES flush, disc rubber seal
axial piston rigid connection, buffer cylinder and disc axial gap
between smaller. When the medium pressure, the medium open when parallel
disc into the body cavity and promote buffer piston moves, When the
medium, because back cushion inside when opening cylinder, and already
full of medium with disc shaft buffer cylinder is small, so gap between
with buffer cylinder media through the gaps, gradually the disc close,
make the pipe has cushioning water hammer pressurization can control
(figure 2).