API 608 metal seated valve Fire Test
May I know which Fire Test standard should I follow for a metal seated API 608 valve? Is it still API 607 which read "Fire Test for Soft-seated Quarter-turn Valves" or API 6FA or etc?As you most likely noticed, API-607 is a fire test for "soft-seated" ball valves. Even though your valve is metal seated, it is common to test to API-607 anyways. You could test to 6FA. The need for fire tested product is specified by the purchaser, and most purchaser's expect to see API-607 next to API-608. So you either show them what they expect to see, or spend your time explaining the difference and justifying the fire-test standard you ultimately use. Other option is to state that metal seats are fire safe...period (provided none of the materials in the construction melt at the test temperatures). There is no need to test at all. But again, you will need to spend time explaining this position as well. Sometimes it is best to just give them what they expect to see and get on with business. You will have to decide how you want to proceed based on what is best for you.