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Water Injection for NA Engines, any benefit? 2010-12-03
Could anybody let me know if water injection can help to reduce the intake air temperature significantly in NA engines?
Temp range for an exhaust valve? 2010-12-02
I'm hot-rodding a Toyota 4AGZE, which is a 1600cc 4-valve supercharged motor. I would like to test the exhaust sealing
soft starts tripping main breaker on deceleration 2010-12-02
I have 2 350 hp 480v motors running vertical turbine pumps.
they are controlled by allen-bradley SMC -FLEX soft starters
Smokey's Hot Vapor Engine 2010-12-02
In my research of Smokey's engine Something Has struck me that no one seems to metion. When the air/fuel mixture is heat
"Backpressure" Definition 2010-12-01
My question is exactly what is "backpressure"? If I have a pumping system that has a discharge pressure of 100 psi and
When to use a TSV on a water line 2010-12-01
I am designing a 3" line to supply raw water. The line is about 750 m long. The inlet pressure of the line is about 900
Need help designing a tie into a 6" sewer FM? 2010-12-01
We are the civil engineers for a new development that has a 6" sewer force main running in the right-of-way adjacent to
Location Balance Valve on Secondary Circuits 2010-12-01
We have a two pipe direct return cooling pipe system for a campus of buildings. Each building circuit is the secondary a